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New EA How can I merge 2 eas? TheOFX and Virtual Trailing Stop

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by paixao.victor, 03 May 2017.

  1. paixao.victor

    paixao.victor New Member

    Ref Point
    I have these 2 eas and I want to merge the "trailing stop".
    In the TheoFX the trailing stop is not so good.
    I need to put the hidden (virtual) Trailing Stop into the EA TheoFX.
    Because with the Virtual Trailing Stop I can put any value of Trailing Stop without the broker locks.
    Who can help me?

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  2. singo njoget

    singo njoget Member Credit Hunter

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    this old ea nothing succes with ea theofx brother forget it.
  3. paixao.victor

    paixao.victor New Member

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    Ok but I realy want to test it with the Virtual TS to be sure.
  4. Serious Trader

    Serious Trader Member Credit Hunter

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    This is my review for this thread:
    I can profit on this EA live!
  5. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Trade using trailing stop also as way to manage the risk, but if when facing mistake on trend which order opposite direction with the trend, traling stop not work properly, might using stop loss also as one way to manage the risk
  6. Paul-Vincent Grousset

    Paul-Vincent Grousset New Member

    Ref Point
    I use currently this ea on a live Account, at the beginning the stop loss of 5 was too short so I set it to 10, the trailing stop to 2 and the risk percent to 40.
    Try it in your backtester with GBPUSD on M5, with 100usd deposit, in 2 months, it's unbelievable
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Bullilulli

    Bullilulli Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    You leave all the other Settings "Default" like in post 1?
    My result in fast backtest is MC. Could you post your setfile?

    EDIT: Sorry, my fault. Works in backtest. You´d like to link your account to myfxbook or something else?
    Last edited: 23 Nov 2017
  8. Alexisgf13

    Alexisgf13 New Member

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    Hola soy nuevo me gustaria saber si hay algun EA que sea igual o parecido gracias
  9. GLOBAL S.I.

    GLOBAL S.I. New Member

    Ref Point
    I´d like to know if you still been using THEO ea on your automated trades? thanks
  10. GLOBAL S.I.

    GLOBAL S.I. New Member

    Ref Point
    I have tryed THEO and it always open trades against the market, when its for buy it opens a sell and so on, than I gaved up.
    Is this version more acertive? What´s the best set available please?
    thanks for your post.
    Last edited: 05 Apr 2019
  11. harvest_093

    harvest_093 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I want someone to merge the virtual trailing stop on MonkeyPips EA same way as TheOFX EA. Please someone help me.

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    • Like Like x 1
  12. ichsan f

    ichsan f New Member

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    please adding code for reversed order.
  13. Zeta Paragas

    Zeta Paragas New Member

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    Hello, is this EA free? Can I use it on live account?
  14. Zeta Paragas

    Zeta Paragas New Member

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    This is my review for this thread:
    I love the result of this EA on my testing,
  15. takashi ohtaku

    takashi ohtaku Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    What kind of indicator does THEO use?
  16. takashi ohtaku

    takashi ohtaku Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi. Dear Lipton.
    Please add stealth mode.
    I want to hide TP and SL.
  17. Piyush Rai

    Piyush Rai New Member

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    from where you bought it? i want to buy it from the original owner. i am also using it on my real account and with my best settings getting high rewards. If anyone require best settings, PM me. I want some edits/additions in this EA as some time it failed to place order due to error "too many requests" and "Off Quote"(In live trading, not in back test).
    So please help me getting the real owner/creator of this EA.
  18. andir

    andir Member Credit Hunter

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    Saya sudah pernah menggunakan ea ini di akun live icmarket$200 dan ticmill $100...saya dapat untung tinggi di hari pertama dan keesokan harinya saya mendapati floating sampai diatas 50 pips ..dan saya menemukan kesalahan stoploss dan trailing stoplos tidak berfungsi dan membiarkan posisi mengambang sampai MC....saya sangat suka dengan ea ini tapi sayang kesalahan hanya ada pada stoplos dan trailing stoploss kadang tidak berfungsi
  19. andir

    andir Member Credit Hunter

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    Ini jika Anda mau, ini menguntungkan dan kesalahan hanya pada stoplos dan trailing stoploss yang tiba tiba tidak berfungsi

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  20. Ryan55

    Ryan55 Member Credit Hunter

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    Bisa di gabungkan dengan ea ini, ea ini dpt dari thread lain (terima kasih buat yg mengshare ea ini)...tp, sl, lock profit, dan traling stop pakai ea ini, hasil lumayan memuaskan.

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