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Suggestion lost account recover

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by Exel Tha, 11 Jan 2020.

  1. Exel Tha

    Exel Tha New Member

    Ref Point
    Hi, guys...
    I'd like to know your view about regarding lost account recovery from Iq options. Some people claim that they do recovery of lost account and they just simply asked to withdraw our all balance and logout from our account and they deposit in our account to trade and recover loose money. It's about he took 60% and he pay us 40%. Money comes in our e-wallet as the group say.

    What do you think guys, please leave your honest thought regarding this.

    Thank you

    Good day
  2. Nunosantos

    Nunosantos Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Maybe 5 y ago I got help to recover my money from a scam broker. I got my money back.
    For me this guy just want take you money.
    I my case the money came to my account and them I have to pay 20% or 30%(I don't remember), if they don't recover your money you don't pay.
    But I don't lost my account, they just block my trades and withdraw.
  3. Exel Tha

    Exel Tha New Member

    Ref Point
    That's what guy say. No need to deposit, just deposit $10 in the account and give the log in id of the account and pass him the ewallet money email, but not password. After withdrawal came, need to send him back 60%. I was wondering how he got make money from $10 to a lot. Not in one account only, a lot of proof is there also.
  4. abcoffers

    abcoffers New Member

    Ref Point
  5. fasttarde

    fasttarde New Member

    Ref Point
    yes its true if u interested in this contact me in pm. its now 30$ deposit now previous it was 10$.
  6. Exel Tha

    Exel Tha New Member

    Ref Point
    whats the sharing profit?
  7. fasttarde

    fasttarde New Member

    Ref Point
    its depend on ur loss amt

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