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Suggestion Performing forex tool no DDl

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by miho44, 12 Jan 2024.

  1. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    I MADE A VERY DECENT PROFIT. the goal is for you to be patient and study the setups well. wait until it reaches the extreme, there would be little losses and maximum gains.
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  2. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    trading with this tool will result in 99% win trades. this tool minimizes users taking stupid and meaningless trades which has badly affected my results before.
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  3. dascore

    dascore Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Narutopips,

    Its great to hear of your experience in identifying trades triggered by the software and to know of your success! Well done!
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  4. dascore

    dascore Member Credit Hunter

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    Hi Narutopips,

    "....The goal is to be patient and study the setups well...and wait until it reaches the extreme"

    Can you pls share with us what were the steps you undertook to "study the setups well?" Are you referring to the blue line when you said to wait until it reaches the extreme and how did you determine that it has reached the extreme and not continue after a while? Your clarification would be most helpful, thanks.
  5. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    First thing first looking at the Monthly 2 quadrant would give you an ideology of where the trend is. if the EURUSD is bearish, it's indicative that most EUR pairs will sell. the you go to the daily to wait for the right setup also looking at the 2nd quadrant of the EURUSD. if it is below or above the 0.33%, then you only look at the 1st quadrant to take trades, never look at the 3rd quadrant to take trades because even though they might be at the extreme, it won't move much that day, it would definitely result in a loss. Ones any of the extremes are triggered, then u place your trade.
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  6. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    I also noticed something else. if on the second quadrant of the EURUSD on the Daily that is above 0.33%, it means a BUY for the EUR pairs, focus on buying only the euros, don't buy USDJPY for example, it might not go well even though it might hit the extreme. entering early when extremes are triggered will give u maximum profit.
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  7. bobbythomas

    bobbythomas Member Credit Hunter

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    31-01-24-what to do.PNG ok, I understood that if "EURUSD" which is in the 3° quadrant, does not move, or just little bit, we have to focus on the second quadrant wich crosses. If the currencies which stay at the Extrem of the 2° quadrant goes over/under the 0.33% then can enter that trade.
    If the EURUSD in the 3° Quadrant moves Up/Down and goes over the 0.33 then we will trade only th 1° quadrant with currencies based on the EURO (eurusd, eurcad, etc) So, Euro/usd in the 3° quadrant goes lover than 0.33, then we check 1° quadrant and sell all euro based currencies wich stay on the extremes of the 1° quadrant ( the 2 on the left extreme and the 2 of the right extreme of the 1° quadrant)
    this is what I understood from the author.

    Question: Do you refer to the "Blue" line do determinate the 0.33% ?
    at this time, (london opened about 1.1/2 hours ago, what would you do right now in the pict attached. Fro me ther is not trade rigth now.
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  8. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    Dont focus on the color, focus on the blue line when it crosses 0.33%
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  9. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    This system is good, but it's not worth the $70000 the owner priced it at. you would need a very good strength meter as well
  10. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    This should not be used as a stand-alone indicator, always do your chart analysis as well, and use the indicator as a confirmation.
  11. bobbythomas

    bobbythomas Member Credit Hunter

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    So, today was no trade until the NY Opened. Afther was Sell on AUDJPY and CADJPY.
    However I missed them.:oops:
  12. Archy

    Archy New Member

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    Use it for bbma reentry
  13. bobbythomas

    bobbythomas Member Credit Hunter

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    Can you Elaborate please?
  14. bobbythomas

    bobbythomas Member Credit Hunter

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    So, today 01/02/24 at 11.14AM the situation looks as following:
    Right now, i would not enter any trade. The EURUSD doesn't go anywhere so fare.
    So we should focus on the second quadrant.
    However, the currencies at the extreme of the 2° quadrant where under 0.33 from yesterday afthernoon (afther NY oepning which I missed)
    and i dont think its good way to enter/sell because they pushed already a lot.
    What you think? 01-02-23-11-14gmt.PNG
  15. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    You are wrong. If u look at the blue line at your EURUSD u will notice that it's still in the sell zone, so there is no need to look at the second quadrant, because eur pairs are selling but not with high volume. So u don't look at the second quadrant. You do need to hv ur technical analysis to be able to know when to enter early, if not u do be left with scraps
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  16. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    This is not a stand alone indicator, but a good confirmation indicator from my personal opinion.
  17. Narutopips

    Narutopips Member Credit Hunter

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    focus your attention more on the Blue line than on the color. the color should be secondary. Because during times of retracement, the market will take cack its profits and you won't see it coming.
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  18. bobbythomas

    bobbythomas Member Credit Hunter

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    Well, the EURUSD is still in sell zone but at that time only the EURJPY could be sold of the blue line goes under the 0.33
    Yes, this tool need additional analisys... and I think i'ts not worth the money the Author ask.
  19. Archy

    Archy New Member

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    When see blue line retracing take reentry when price retraces to ma50 or middle bb and ma5 and ma10....if ur not familiar with bbma strategy just search the threads there are pdf about it....
  20. Lango Chang

    Lango Chang New Member

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    I'm so glad I found you all here! I was analysing the videos for a couple of days and I gave up after that. Great that we can share our experience with this product.

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