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New EA Sharing for Ea,strategy for more profit and testing result

Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by mrdotcom, 19 Nov 2015.

  1. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Assalamu Alaikum,
    Greetings for all my friends and members of Soehoe.com.

    I have decided that i will share all my Ea's Here. So that all the members can test the ea and display result of testing. i will share here all tutorial various Ea and Script ;My Skype Id is : globalknitsourcing if anyone need any assistance for forex let me add skype i will be very gratefull to help u................... i believe that when a man help others allah help him.
    i will continue a lot when i will get time
    i have more than 1000 ea for sharing have a nice journey for forex

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  2. setilnubi

    setilnubi Member Credit Hunter

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    wich one more profitable with low drawdown?
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  3. Mispan

    Mispan Member Pioneer

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    Waalaikumsalam,,, thanks for share :ok:
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  4. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    hi All my mates salam,

    Here r the another few attachement for your nice forex journey................

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  5. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Another ea r here.

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  6. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Another More is here for all good luck

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  7. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Another more is here good luck

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  8. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Dont forget to give thanks button....................if u think its usefull for u

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  9. Rizarma

    Rizarma Active Member Credit Hunter

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    waalaikum salam
    i see that those are mix of eas, indis, scripts & pdf docs
    which one do you actually use?
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  10. muraya

    muraya New Member

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    which of all this ea s works best for you
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  11. abdul rosid

    abdul rosid Member Credit Hunter

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    Nice share, ty for sharing with us :rock:
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  12. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Assalamu Alaikum For all members ............................. Now i am sharing all version Spartan Bolt for every members....... but latest version is Id protected : so if u need for testing of this version add me skype : "globalknitsourcing" and send me the account id i will help u
    Ea Spartan Bolt all version here

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  13. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Here is another Ea's for all enjoy

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  14. sipoltakrajaminyak

    sipoltakrajaminyak Member Credit Hunter

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    wow very huge collections
    sedot dulu ya juragan
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  15. muraya

    muraya New Member

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    the bolt is asking for shi indicator would u mind to share
    and the other one is saying i contact zakri
    how do i install this ea s
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  16. mrdotcom

    mrdotcom Member Credit Hunter

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    Need some shie channel for running Si Bolot v3.1 pro version here is the indicator . ALSo some good ea and indicator for all. have a nice weekend .....bye Assalamu Alaikum..

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  17. muraya

    muraya New Member

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    my friend u cdint answer me on spartn where is the shi indicator or which is the best ea u can advise one to use
    oooh thanks have seen the shi indicator thanks alot let me test it wat abt the other that is saying i call zarki what should i do
    hi is there any setting which i need to change since its just giving me losses
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  18. Ron2009

    Ron2009 Member Credit Hunter

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    All of your EAs and Indicators are great share. Thank you so much.
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  19. johar

    johar Member Credit Hunter

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    it's cool man.. thanks for shared.
    [HASHTAG]#mendadak[/HASHTAG] jadi kolektor EA klo gini mah... kkkkk...
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  20. abdul rosid

    abdul rosid Member Credit Hunter

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    Nice share, waalaikum salam
    • Creative Creative x 1
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