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Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by belajartrading, 04 Apr 2016.

  1. wwaluyo

    wwaluyo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Agan pakai set file yg agan upload di halaman sebelumnya? Semua trade ane masi floating blm ada yg close dari hari pertama ane test ini indikator
  2. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Setting di real pakai yg conservative yg ane dah treadmark in.

    Holding period memang lama pakai set conservative, ga usah heran agan2, yg penting aman, kena NFP juga aman menurut ane kok.

    Oiya, tips biar ga kelamaan oting (ane pake bbrp hari terakhir) caranya misal kita punya 8 OP USDJPY, 5 OP SELL, 3 OP BUY, total masih loss -$60, perinciannya misalnya OP SELL loss $100, OP BUY OPIT $40, ane akan closed all OP BUY dan biarkan OP SELL sampai closed sendiri, begitu di tutup OP BUY nya floating akan naik dari -$60 jadi -$100, tapi ga masalah biarkan EA yg nutup untuk yg ini.

    NOTE: harus closed all satu sisi yah, sisi yg totalnya sudah plus/opit, misal buy ya semua buy di tutup, begitu sebaliknya.
  3. wwaluyo

    wwaluyo Member Credit Hunter

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    makasih gan, coba ane terapin mulai minggu depan gmn hasilnya.
  4. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

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    sukses ya Gan :ok:
    dicoba dulu 1-2 minggu sebelum ke real Gan, biar nyaman ;)
  5. wwaluyo

    wwaluyo Member Credit Hunter

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    Iya gan ini juga masi demo UJ dan GU di M1 dan M15 sambil itung2 floatingnya sampai berapa banyak dan berapa lama :D
  6. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I am doing live test on this one. Ran it on Wednesday and Thursday and deactivated on Friday. Both days it made a profit. But still it is to early to say more on this.
    My question here is for the BT.
    No matter what settings i use the equity drops to the bottom. I am doing monthly tests, and in none recovered before the end of the month, closing the test with big losses.

    Although it keeps generating profit the equity still drops, so no point there.

    Have you found any good settings, or is there another way to resolve this?
    I have tried with set files from this thread, but nothing changed

    I have done tests in all time frames up to M15 with Tickstory.

    Thank you.
  7. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

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    Nah kadang NFP bisa membuat harga bergerak begitu cepat masa gan masih aman saja, kalau trend kembali ke awal bisa aman sih kalau pas harga terus saja melaju apa masih aman juga gan? ini modalnya kekny juga perlu gede yah ea
  8. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Pada saat NFP, harga umumnya bergerak 100-200 pips (walau kadang lebih) tapi setelahnya (hampir) pasti ada retracement, next order pada EA ini bervariasi mulai dari 60 pips (terkecil) sampai 150 pips, jadi kalaupun harga swing 200pips, hanya akan membuka 3 order, jadi masih jauh dr aman (selama MM dijaga)
  9. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    What do you mean drop to the bottom? please inform your deposit, starting lot & pairs you are using. Thank
    • Like Like x 1
  10. irruzzz

    irruzzz Member Credit Hunter

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    Belum gan, mau cobaFT demo besok pake 2 pair aja dulu
  11. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    kalau yang banyak zigzag kayaknya EJ, mungkin EJ bisa agan pertimbangkan drpd UJ deh gan
  12. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Starting with 50k and 0.01 lots.
    But no matter what the profit is, which in most case is not that big to cover the drop, when equity drops down to 41k it is bad. Pair EurUsd

    A note here. I have read about the wrong results in the 950 MT4 build. And I have done my tests
    there. I will see about the so called fix and if there are any changes to the results.
  13. belajartrading

    belajartrading Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    That's weird, check my real account with only USC 5k, I made USC 681 of profit and only had USC 168 of floating, that's mean my capital (equity) is still growing around USC 500++ or more than 10% of NET PROFIT in just a week.
  14. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I did the same test in an older MT4 build and i got the same result.
    I am doing many tests, even right now with different sets, and i have got better results.
    In live trading goes well so far and it hasnt dropped below the capital once witha good profit.

    In BT it is another story, It keeps positions open like forever. For example in one month testing it opens positions after 4 days (not the first ones) and they are getting closed
    by force after the end of the month, when the test ends with the result of course being bad, since it messes
    profit, profit factor etc.
    Does this happen to you?
  15. taimur

    taimur Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    yes it happened to me BT results r scary ,but on FT its different,last friday usdjy had a strong move against the EA and equity dropped to almost 550 usd only in one pair USDJPY,but today its getting back and recovering lets see whats gonna happen
  16. Marek

    Marek New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    very very great thans for this EA
  17. ArolSkyWalker

    ArolSkyWalker New Member Credit Hunter

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    Gracias amigo! ;)
  18. SHAKIL

    SHAKIL New Member

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    MAY ANY BODY TELL ME ABOUT THE BenefitEa v 2.45 best setting
  19. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I am still live testing this one. As the time goes, live results resemble more and more the back tests. Now it has 91 profit with -70 floating. Lets see what will happen
    next couple of days.
  20. fxillions

    fxillions Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I dont get how this one works really.
    It has open positions since yesterday that are losing, reached with lot exponent opening a 0.05 (from 0.01 starting lot and 1.20 multiplier)
    Four hours ago closed the 0.05 with profit and one 0.04. Then twp hours ago closed another 0.04 in profit.
    It seems that it doesnt use a basket, trying to close all positions in profit.
    Probably that is the reason that in Back tests i always see open positions like a month.
    I dont like this move to be honest....

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