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28 Feb 2019
06 Feb 2016
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08 Sep 1984 (Age: 40)


Active Member, Male, 40

Credit Hunter

https://soehoe.id/official-ea-budak-ubat-version-1-41-hedge.t7206/ 25 Aug 2016

drnukerz158 was last seen:
28 Feb 2019
    1. Shahbaz3131
      As salamualekum Wa Rahmatullah hi wabarakatahu
      Bro i am from a Long time I am Looking for a Profitable EA on this Forum can you Please Guide me to Get a Good EA Inshallah Allha will Reward you for helping

      Jazak Allha
    2. ajerasmus
      Good day. Do youknow where I can get the mql file of Budak 1.27 or 1.36?
      Thank you in advance.
    3. All Sunday
      All Sunday
      hello, could you tell me which version of ea you are using on the fbs account?
      is it 1.41 or 1.51?
      1. Mahmoud Mohamed likes this.
    4. vasile sebastian
      vasile sebastian
      Greetings , I like your EA Budak Ubat(version 1.5) Flexible and I want, if possible, a right setting files, for a 1000 usd like capital ,broker ecn account with commissions / leverage 1: 500 . Thank you in advance .
    5. rofi14
      Assalamualaikum boleh beri saya saran, apakh modal 10 cent di fns cukup untuk menjalankan trading dgn ea budak ubat?
    6. jamil75
      Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
      Brother if you can add max trades or pending order buy stop sell stop for EA - Budak Ubat v1.41 it will be more safe and profitable.
    7. cybersukabumi
      Brother, apa bedanya Versi 1.5 dengan 1.51, kalau dilihat dari menunya sama dua-duanya? ^_^ Terimakasih
    8. danyb bill
      danyb bill
      Hi I along with a group of developer are working to improve some of the features of the versions 1.27 1.37 for the xmicro and 1.41 , you may get the file mq4 so work on it? We turn, then, to the work done with additions of functionality, ok?
    9. mario182
      thanks for your creation.
      you publish the mq4 files of version 1.41?
      It is useful for compatibility of future relase of MetaTrader 4
      1. danyb bill likes this.
    10. bangkuden
      I like your style..
      i like your creation..
      tapi gambar nya agak seram..hehehe..
      moga ini bisa jadi awal keberhasilan ku utk bisa WD di Forex.
      udah terlalu lelah MC..
      makasih gan drnukerz158
      moga keberkahan dan kesuksesan selalu dilimpahkan Allah SWT kepada anda..
      dan juga saya. :)
    11. drnukerz158
      1. blastors likes this.
      2. blastors
        Hello dear, i used two days the ea very profit, i see your online account, you can tell above the points?

        Type of account you have? Micro ?standard.?

        Setup used on orders? 1.2, 1.3 ???

        Initial deposit ?

        Time Frame of orders - M5 - m30?

        Please answer me the questions above, cause i want invest one account real.

        Thanks sir, have a nice day.
        01 Sep 2016
    12. naushad.saiyed
      Assalm O Alaikum
      I just want to know that which setting ru using in Ubat ea. Pls send me that set file which ur using in FBS cent ac
    13. Louis Khoo
      Louis Khoo
      Hi, I've a problem with my budak ubat ea. It stopped enter trade when my capital falls and right now the EU is going up. I afraid if the trade is not enter accordingly to move the tp line up, it won't tp easily. I've double click the ea to reset and it still doesn't enter trade. I'm using Amazon WPS. Would you render some help? It's quite urgent. Kindly check our personal conversation for my contacts.

      Thank your so much!

      P.S. or anyone can help???

      Mr. Khoo
    14. MrAyop
      Salam tuan macam mana saya nak ikut perkembangan smasa tuan...contoh update ea terbaru ker...
    15. nemesis2016
      Hi thanks for sharing, I know something I opened a demo account FORT FINANCIAL SERVICE where you have the real account, the account type is the same as your account is flex, opened it with USD250, could open an account with that broker real with this deposit? what would be the version to better operate the EA with this deposit 1.27 or 1.36?

      greetings and stay tuned to your answer
    16. drnukerz158
      "Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. I will ensure my whole team wins."
    17. Goblin
      drnukerz158, nak tanya skit.. saya dah run BudakUbat v1.27 di Toppro standard acc.. mmg cun and profitable.. lps tu cuba wat lg 1 acc di Toppro Cent ngan modal usd23k cent tapi mcm ada masalah je.. 1st entry dia masuk tapi lps tu dah xde layer entry lg wlwpun dah reverse almost 30-40pips. jangkamasa dlm 6-7jam test tapi masih takde layer entry.. boleh bantu saya troubleshoot ape masalah? utk cent acc tu lot starts 0.10 and Safe Mode..
      1. drnukerz158
        toppro sy test hrtu mmg xjalan. myb broker dh set xleh run EA kot. sy rekemen fbs, forts mmg tbaik
        13 Apr 2016
        Limafox, bidin and Goblin like this.
    18. drnukerz158
      EA Budak Ubat--> Free for all
      1. Gigih Mulya and bidin like this.
    19. drnukerz158
      "Tak perlu laju2. Bukan sejauh mana kita nak berlari. Tapi sejauh mana kita nak berjalan."
      1. ariffaffendi and clixkers like this.
    20. drnukerz158
      BU profitable pair base on my observation (descending order); no 1: EU no 2: AU no 3: UJ no 4: GU no 5: EJ
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    08 Sep 1984 (Age: 40)


    Our only goals is 'Trade, profit, withdraw, withdraw, withdraw.'
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