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Forex Decimus MT4 indicator

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by Doodiedoo Kukurachi, 12 Oct 2020.

  1. Doodiedoo Kukurachi

    Doodiedoo Kukurachi New Member

    Ref Point
    I would like to share this indicator. If you find it useful, it is yours for free :) enjoy.


    Attached Files:

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  2. Okechukwu

    Okechukwu New Member

    Ref Point
    Thanks Bro.
  3. madgimper

    madgimper Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Does anybody have the manual for the system?
  4. tapidu

    tapidu New Member

    Ref Point
    [QUOTE = "Doodiedoo Kukurachi, post: 425956, member: 94010"] Я хотел бы поделиться этим индикатором. Если вы сочтете это полезным, это ваше бесплатное :)пользование.

    [MEDIA = youtube] 8AX7gz1_KNo [/ MEDIA] [/ QUOTE]

    Do you immediately enter at the signal of the daily candle or wait for confirmation of the second candle?
  5. blackking

    blackking Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thank you, I am very appreciating for sharing the indicator for free, and I hope this tool will use for all traders
    and I just want to say if you share indicator, it never will make you lose it, but your kindness will in memory

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