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[Question] Strategy Tester Set Lot Size

Discussion in 'Belajar Trading' started by Carlos Prieto, 19 Apr 2019.

  1. Carlos Prieto

    Carlos Prieto Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello, im new on this world. testing and learning in demo accounts since last month..

    But on EA im even more newbie, i tried to test some EA on MT4 strategy tester but it start with 0.01 and increase my lot size from 0.8ish until it blown my test.

    I google and tried for hours but cant find how to make strategy test place all orders with the same lot size..

    Anyone can help me?

    Thanks in advanced..

  2. Campbell

    Campbell New Member

    Ref Point
    EA Anda tidak merusak pengujian Anda, itu telah menghancurkan akun Anda. Dalam skenario ini pada akun riil Anda akan keluar dari pasar. Hati-hati dengan penggunaan EA. Tidak semuanya bagus, jadi selalu gunakan akun demo Anda untuk menguji kinerja EA sebelum Anda memasukkannya ke akun live
  3. Vynche

    Vynche New Member

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    Bro, kalo EA -mu udah mengambyarkan akun uji cobamu, trus akun riil-mu mau diapain? Gak usahlah dipake lagi EA ini, coba yg lainnya tapi juga pakai akun demo. Gimana2 juga, sebaiknya belajar trading sebagai trader independen. Ini strategi terbaik buat kamu.
  4. Joy denil

    Joy denil Member

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    Forex trading is a volatile platform in the planet. To trade effectively in this volatile trade market a Forex trader always depends on the support from the broker. There are many Forex brokers but Forex4you broker I select the regulated and well- known Forex broker. For all types of traders they allow flexible high trading leverage that is 1:1000, narrow spread from 0 pips, instant trade execution and many others.

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