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New EA EA Pips Hunter, aka EA Rebate Hunter 2.3.2

EA pemburu rebate dengan profit seadanya tetapi rebate seabrek-abrek

  1. erwan28

    erwan28 New Member

    Ref Point
    ijin nyedot gan. buat coba2 dulu di demo :D
  2. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I keep waiting everyday for the day that this EA gonna be active. Please anyone tell me when exactly this EA will be prompt active?
    This is because last week I had suffered from cut loss on my real account by using this EA, unfornutaely that it was expired. So this EA will not be working anymore. So I have to cut loss all the transactions left on my platform.
  3. Ahmad

    Ahmad Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Udah update belum ya ea rebatenya..
  4. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Please anyone tell me that when exactly this EA Rebate Hunter will be updated and released for its new version?
    I think its old version (v.2.1.2) is excellent. So, no need to be adjusted, I think to be adjusted only its expiration, that's enough.
    Soehoe.com, please read this.
    I'm the one who are interested in your EA Rebate Hunter. I have tried this EA on my demo account and also on my live accounts. But unfortunately I have orders left opening during the end of July and beginning of August which this EA was expired. So I can't do anything on my trading platform (on my live accounts) since the graph is not proper to close order to make some profit. And I had cut loss for some orders already due to this EA is not working anymore (due to its expiration). Anyway, I do confirm that this EA Rebate Hunter is an excellent one which I still need it to be run on my live accounts. So if you (Soehoe) comes to read this, please help me by activating this EA back to be normal again or make it non-expiration. Thank you in advance.
    This EA Rebate Hunter is the only one (out of five) that I have used with my demo account and my live account.
    I would like to say that I'm really satisfied with its working since it simply acts as its name "Rebate Hunter".
    But I was stuck with only problem which is "its expiration".
    If I could make a wish, I would like Soehoe release or update to its latest version to be "non-expiration".
    Hope my wish comes true one day.
    Please pray!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Sobat ForEx

    Sobat ForEx New Member

    Ref Point
    baru download ,lom di coba. udah updatekah?
  6. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I think there is no update yet about this EA Rebate Hunter.
    I still wait for its latest version.
    Someone told me that the new version can be re-downloaded 1-Aug, but now nothing!!??
  7. Ngemc

    Ngemc Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    hello alex i'm waiting new update too.. but SoeHoe focus on the other plan.. informed by trader_with_ea keep be patient
    • Like Like x 2
  8. James Phuc

    James Phuc Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    Just wait a bit more patiently, and after Soehoe's people finished their priority work, we will be able to get latest version after then

    • Like Like x 1
  9. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Yes, I will be patient to wait. James Phuc also told me like this.
    Have you used any other EA with your trading platform?

    Thank you very much James. I was told like this for a few weeks. I'm wondering when exactly Soehoe's people will finish their priority work.
    This is because I use this EA Rebate Hunter to my live accounts and I want it to be run continuously.
    If you have the power to influence Soehoe's people, please let them know that I want the EA Rebate Hunter to be "non-expired" version.
    Thank you for your reply and your kind support.
    God bless you.
    Good evening,

    Are there anyone using this EA Rebate Hunter on your live accounts?
    Did you face the problem that it was expired and not working anymore?
    And how could you manage with your opened orders?
    Did you close them manually?
    Anyone using this EA, please share some of yours with me.
    I don't know which way to go and don't know how to consult with people who's not memeber of this website
    because they have not used this EA, so they didn't know the situation like my friends' members here.
  10. rizki

    rizki Member

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    waduh baru mau coba, ditunggu update terbarunya
  11. sin70

    sin70 New Member

    Ref Point
    Ada ea rebate hunter yg main gk?
  12. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello Wednesday,

    Until now, there is no new updates for this EA Rebate Hunter. I still wait for any announcement from the web-owner informing about its new released version of this EA.
  13. wisnu wardono

    wisnu wardono Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    kok expired knp, tolong dibantu yak om
  14. Maria_FX

    Maria_FX Member

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    Ignore the expired notice, the EA still working. No worry guy
  15. toyibali

    toyibali Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    sangat di tunggu updatenya...
  16. toyibali

    toyibali Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    sangat di tunggu updatenya...
  17. Ahmad

    Ahmad Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    hello Maria_Fx..is this ea still running well even has expired ?
  18. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Maria_FX,

    I'm still wondering why this EA is still working since I was using this EA on my live accounts on end July to beg Aug, and I found that this EA had opened many orders and when it was expired, it didn't work as usual anymore. I had to close orders by manual. I'm still asking for its new release for its new version from Soehoe. But nothing is on the move now,

    But if anyone has opinions different from me, please share yours with me. I would be very much appreciated.

    Have a good luck to you all.
  19. forex358

    forex358 New Member

    Ref Point
    :ok::ok::ok: UP.....waiting for update. Alert still pop up....
  20. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello Monday,

    How are you guys? Any new update for this EA Rebate Hunter?
    At first, I was told that this EA would be updated and release on beginning of August
    but now nothing's in progress.
    Could anyone tell me when exact date of its new released version?
    Good Morning Tuesday,

    Do you guys keep waiting for its new release of this EA? If there is nothing in progress, I might turn to other EA in which I have to test it on demo accounts, so it takes time to test it before using in the live accounts. If Soehoe's admin come to read this, please be noted that your EA especially this one is an excellent one, you let us download to use it but once it was expired and there's no update now. I think that you should probably correct the existing version not to be expired in order that we can continue to use the old version instead. And when you launch the new version, you can validate its old version. I think there are many traders who have used this EA, might get in troubles like me since I have used it on my live accounts. And now this EA is no longer working anymore. How could I do? Please kindly advise.

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