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New EA EA Pips Hunter, aka EA Rebate Hunter 2.3.2

EA pemburu rebate dengan profit seadanya tetapi rebate seabrek-abrek

  1. wisnu wardono

    wisnu wardono Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    akhire datang juga
  2. BrandyFx06

    BrandyFx06 Member

    Ref Point
    ngikut nyoba ahh, senin nnti di broker yang low spread rebatenya juga joss.
    siapa tau bisa dapet profit 100% (sudah di tambah rebate):rofl:
  3. Daniel

    Daniel Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    Malam om, apa sudah pernah coba di FXTM? Saya rasa di FXTM, sampai saat ini jujur, terutama yang akun ECN. Semuanya terbayar dengan baik. Cuma jujur saja, rebatenya lebih kecil dibandingkan dgn Insta atau yang lain. Bagi saya kecil tidak apa2, asal dibayar, daripada gede2 gak kebayar. Kalau kita coba di FXTM bagaimana? Thanks.
  4. BrandyFx06

    BrandyFx06 Member

    Ref Point
    malam om, saya bsk mau coba di tickmill sih.
    selama ini saya trade di sana ga ada masalah. mudah"an EA rebate hunter bisa panen di sana :D
    • Like Like x 1
  5. dezzy

    dezzy Member Credit Hunter

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    kalo nyoba di fbs bisa work gak gan...???
    baru hari ini mau nyoba..mohon masukannya
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  6. dezzy

    dezzy Member Credit Hunter

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    Agan2 semua..apa bisa pair UC diganti pair lain??
    Soalnya d broker saya spreadnya sampai 8pip,kalo umpama nya bisa,pair apa yg cocok???
  7. Daniel

    Daniel Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    Saya sudah coba di akun demo, hasilnya kok minus banyak ya? seharusnya setting yang bagaimana ya? sekalipun rebate lumayan besar, nggak bisa nutup hasil minusnya.
    Mohon saran dari masta2 sekalian.. thanks
  8. HijackerFx

    HijackerFx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    maksdnya minus yang ud closing, atau minus yg masih floating gan?
    ini punyaku ud bener apa g ya ? coba FT d demo akun, setting default semua... baru run hr ini, skrg DD sktr 30% ud close profit sktr 10% closed traksaksi sktr 100...
  9. mister pi

    mister pi Member

    Ref Point
    mungkin bisa. krn trading ini menggunakan semacam korelasi 2 pair klo g salah. cuma pair apa saja, mesti dicoba2 biar dpt feelingnya. bisa aja EU sama GU, bisa aja EU sama UJ. klo sy pake setting standar aja. sampe2 buat akun di broker merah krn penasaran dgn rebate yg mungkin bisa didapat. so far so good, entah brp ni bakal dpt rebatenya :D

    nb: broker merah ini emang nakal. beberapa OP ada yg didelete, terutama yg profit, yg muncul dihistory cuma yg lossnya saja. soalnya sy sempet liat2 history trading, ada beberapa posisi yg cuma ada 1 sj. sedangkan pasangannya g ada sama sekali baik itu di history maupun open tradesnya

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    Last edited: 25 Aug 2015
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  10. SoeHoe

    SoeHoe Administrator Moderator

    Ref Point
    Ya, itu masih bisa. lihat aja petunjuknya. buat aja sendiri IBnya, caranya juga sudah dikasitahu sebelumnya.
    petunjuk cara penggunaan ada di bagian overview, dan di bagian update EA. Silakan baca aja dulu di sana.
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  11. dezzy

    dezzy Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Om SoeHoe untuk pair UC d broker saya spreadnya besar,apakah bs gunakan pair lain ??atau ganti broker nya??
  12. avishek

    avishek Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Admin thanks for updating it now it works but can you please tell me now its full version or it contains again a expiry date ?
    Also I attached on EURUSD H1 he automated opens orders on USDCHF also , please tell me its automated to close positions or I need to change something in settings also ? In order to close positions,
    Please reply.
  13. AlexTan

    AlexTan Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thank you very much to you all.

    Have a good day trade
  14. chandra wijaya

    chandra wijaya New Member

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    salam kenal, ijin sedot ya gan
    gan utk BT nya gak bisa ya gan?
  15. mister pi

    mister pi Member

    Ref Point
    hi avishek, as far as I tested it, it close order automatically in pairs, which mean if order EU y1 close, it will also close order UC y1. you also can close the order manually. if you do this, you only need to close 1 of the pair, then the EA will close its pair automatically. so you don't need to click both of the order to close, 1 is enough
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  16. avishek

    avishek Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    yes I have attached it now on EURO M1 time frame , looks good but I do not know its full version now or again it will get expire in few days.
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  17. HijackerFx

    HijackerFx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    it's full version, just limited with expired date... dont worry just download next update if you found the expired date... CMIIW...
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  18. avishek

    avishek Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    how everything is going on peoples , have anyone good forward test results with this EA so far ? please share , I used this and it opens too much positions same time on both pairs and loss runs , have anyone good experience please post with images and results.
  19. mister pi

    mister pi Member

    Ref Point
    hi avishek, from my experience running this ea in real cent acc, loss trade is cannot be avoid, but as the name is, this ea purpose is to get rebate as much as possible, even it will ended with Margin Call, but hopefully, the rebate that we get is more than the loss we've suffered.
    and take a look at your trade some times. maybe some time it will close both pairs in losses. so to avoid that, if you see any profit pairs, you can close it manually. or if you know any pairs that have good correlation, you can try this ea there. goodluck

    ps. the attachement is the result until today, with some intervention on the profit pairs

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    Last edited: 26 Aug 2015
  20. HijackerFx

    HijackerFx Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    you need make a forward test by yourself for getting experience with this EA, i still in forward test too... so far in "my simulation" i got more than 10% from balance as a rebate, and gaining more 10% balance per day... but equity still below of balance...

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