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Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by muhama, 24 Jun 2015.

  1. sholihuddin

    sholihuddin Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    pyn share saja aku ikut bantu tes
    kenapa tak coba kok g ada op sampai 2 jam ? apa op menunggu pergerakan yg kenceng atau bagaimana?
  2. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    nunggu berita yang dahsyat om...baru op dimulai
  3. NovanRNT

    NovanRNT Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Min modal brp mas?
  4. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    1000cents gan
  5. sirawit sunya

    sirawit sunya New Member

    Ref Point
    hello bro i have some question what tf i should use m1 m5 m15 m30 h1 h4? thanks
  6. Threadmark: EA v6

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    very nice on M5 timeframe, H1 and H4, but you can experiment with the others.
    Update terbaru EA V6 baru dicoba di 1 akun dengan modal welcome bonus type cents.performa bisa di cek disini:
    bagi rekan2 yang laen tolong bantu tes di broker lain. hasilnya share disini meski loss atau profit saya mengucapkan terima kasih.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 10 Jul 2015
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  7. sirawit sunya

    sirawit sunya New Member

    Ref Point
    hi you use setting in the first page right ? eu gu gj and what tf do u use?
  8. eko hadi p

    eko hadi p New Member

    Ref Point
    ijin download gan
  9. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    standard setting on TF M5
  10. taufik_ht

    taufik_ht New Member

    Ref Point
    agan - agan sdh ada report untuk settingan terbaiknya kah? (terima-mateng.com)...he..:)
  11. sirawit sunya

    sirawit sunya New Member

    Ref Point
    i s
    i saw history in your myfxbook u trad eu uj and au ? why do do not trade eu gy gu bro and this myfxbook u use only ea or ea+manual
  12. wahid YK

    wahid YK Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    paling bagus di TF brp om?
  13. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    on some broker ea work only on minor pair, sometime i use signal only from ea and trade manual for high profit.
    tergantung brokernya, kadang2 M5 dibroker ini bagus,dibroker lain optimal pake H4.
  14. Pit Kebo

    Pit Kebo Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ijin mencoba Agan
  15. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    satu kelemahan dari ea, jika digabungkan dengan ea lain yang sifatnya pending order. ia akan memodifikasi jaraknya sesuai dengan settingan didalam ea ini.
  16. alfin

    alfin New Member

    Ref Point
    kok di tes gak mau open ya gan ??
    Last edited: 11 Jul 2015
  17. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    op saat candle bergerak min 60pips lebih cepat dari biasanya. lakukan BT dulu setting distance yang pas dari tiap pair.bila BT work FT juga pasti jalan.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. James Phuc

    James Phuc Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Muhama,

    So, the best timeframe is H4, right ?

    Also, I saw from your myfxbook that only Eurusd has the MOST PROFITS. So, we should focus to use this ea on h4 of eurusd only, right ?

    And you use the preset file on the first page of this thread ?

    Please explain more clearly how you used to make such good profits.

    Thanks a lot for sharing information.

    Nice weekend !

  19. muhama

    muhama Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Until today, setting the best in EUR/USD TF H4 and you do not depend on the set that I have given but look for the best according to you. EA working on all brokers, but there are advantages and weakness in each of these brokers such as spread, delay, time frame and others.
    to overcome this I look for a broker that fits perfectly with this ea, open a demo account, continue to put this ea there and copy all transactions into account rill with software copy trade. I hope these answers can satisfy you.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. James Phuc

    James Phuc Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi Muhama,

    1. Thanks for your very fast reply and help.

    2. Your idea is really great. So far, which brokers have you found out that worked GREAT for this ea? Please tell the broker's name. I have Trade Copier and I can use this way of trading.

    3. If spread on EURUSD is from 1 pip to 2.5 pips, do you think this spread is profitable with this ea ? What is maximum spread which is good for this ea?

    4. Does this ea work on small account amount such as: 100 usd, 200 usd on mini account ? Does this ea use any Martingale trading style? And can we let it trade 24/5 or we should turn off this ea before High Impact News like Non-farm payroll, ECB's speech, Bank Interest days and the end of Friday?

    5. What is the winning trade % of this ea ? and Max drawdown ? I saw on your Myfxbook that the Monthly profit is VERY GOOD and HIGH, but max drawdown is also high at 41%. So, how much risk % did you set up on this ea? Maybe, I will reduce risk to HALF to keep max drawdown under 30%.

    I hope you can explain to my above questions because I wish to understand more about this ea to use it correctly and avoid mistakes.

    Thanks so much


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