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Jurnal Trading Bagus - Sometimes Simple Is Better

Discussion in 'Jurnal Trading' started by Trading Bagus, 23 Jul 2015.

  1. tedster

    tedster Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    rumah nya ternyta disni toh...heheh

    misi wan ane numpang lewat ya...
  2. Trading Bagus

    Trading Bagus Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Lagi fokus hajjian nih gan, nanti ane update lagi kalau udah beres urusan disini.

    Yang penting opit ttp jalan, tarik kolor juga berlanjut. Hehehe
  3. alwaysprofit

    alwaysprofit Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    gan bagus gimana kelanjutan jurnalnya nihh,,

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