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Suggestion My Holy Grail After 4 years of trading

Discussion in 'Indicators dan Tools' started by mohdridzuan, 09 May 2020.

  1. mohdridzuan

    mohdridzuan Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hm. This is what happen when people try to do good deed. Now i hv to start all over again i guess since its just a matter of time broker countering it
    Last edited by a moderator: 18 May 2020
  2. Guz Trolini

    Guz Trolini Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Marco, why on earth would you do this??? mohdridzuan is right, brokers are sneaky, and they WILL counter this strategy!!! This is a closed forum, and as much as the indicators posted here are free and out there, mohdridzuan is the one who put in the time to perfect the settings. Did you get his permission to upload his strategy?
    Last edited by a moderator: 18 May 2020
  3. mohdridzuan

    mohdridzuan Active Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Ok guys. Im out. I guess ill keep another additional filter that i currently use to myself since template shared leak.

    Good luck guys
  4. Guz Trolini

    Guz Trolini Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    mohdridzuan, thank you for your efforts. I want to leave you with this:

    What is meant for you, will come to you. That is my sincere wish on your life.

    Go well, and again thank you.

  5. Alessio123

    Alessio123 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    it shouldn't be shared on other forums or sold around otherwise it won't work anymore, please respected mohdridzuan sharing it and everyone who is using this system
  6. elchapo

    elchapo New Member

    Ref Point
    Dear Mohdridzuan thank you for all the information and systems that are provided. this is very helpful to us all. thank you and God bless you n Fam.
    from the basis of the system that you have provided, I can develop it according to the way I trade
  7. lazzarovilla

    lazzarovilla New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thanks a lot Mohdridzuan for sharing your work!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Byju Thekkoot

    Byju Thekkoot Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Very Sad....this shouldn't have been happened.....
    Last edited by a moderator: 18 May 2020
  9. saranea

    saranea Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    its very sad, really sad sorry for that.....
  10. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hello Madhava,

    you have to edit the scanner and put at the end of all pairs an "i" because you have a cent account... or the scanner cant see the you watch market ;)
  11. loverhh

    loverhh Well-Known Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    I can understand you, but we have to understand too, that out of the world are always people that will leech information and leek that for their own purposes..
    Soehoe has really many members.. many of the are scammer.. other dont respect the work of others... but dont give up... we work with indicators... and brokers cant block indis.. can block only a static calculation... also dont be afraid about that.. ;)

    I hope the member that leek the information, will delete it again... or we will open a telegram group only with really knowed good people.. and who will come in.. has to bring references... without that... he stay out.. sorry..
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. alexeyrossiski

    alexeyrossiski New Member

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    I think CMF indi can be a good filter too
  13. lazzarovilla

    lazzarovilla New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    ... agree ... pls Mohdridzuan don't give up .... I'm very sad ... because of pandemic I lost my job ... your system is a new hope for me and my family ... we should kick out the member coz Mohdridzuan warned us to not share it out of here ...
    • Like Like x 4
  14. trizzzzlez

    trizzzzlez Member Credit Hunter

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    Please dont give up. Not every understand your intent and how hard you worked to build this. Please so many of us still need you. thank you
    • Like Like x 1
  15. leo333

    leo333 New Member

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    I agree. How could Brokers bann this strategy? They cant block these indicators..

    So never give up :)
  16. sugarated2

    sugarated2 New Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point

    I also agree with this. Don't give up Bro .. .. There will always be one bad person moving around trying to exploit others and cause damage in the world.. ..

    Doing Good always have a good price at the end..
    My regards and blessings to your famly.
  17. madhava prabhu

    madhava prabhu New Member

    Ref Point
    I should thanks every one individually for your replies and helps but it makes the chat clumsy. So Thanks Every single one Now I am good. what I have done wrong is that I pasted the indicators in a new folder inside MT4 indicators folder now I pasted it directly without any subfolder now it's working
  18. Guz Trolini

    Guz Trolini Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    I for one won't hold it against Mohdridzuan if he doesn't contribute to this forum anymore. How would anyone here feel if you worked 4 years for a Masters degree, just for someone else to copy your thesis, and submit it as his own? It's also not about blocking indicators, I've been around long enough to see how many good Forex strategies that previously worked well, after a while start losing money...now why do you think that is?
  19. diegommauricio

    diegommauricio Member

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    very sad to see this news from Mr. mohdridzuan.
    Difficult moment of this we are going through ... he comes here to help. Now come other people to take advantage of his help.
    I am also going through a complicated financial situation. January without working. Forex I didn't think I was going to be a millionaire. but I thought I could earn at least the money to pay the bills.
    good luck to everyone who is here that helps. God be with everyone.
  20. alij79

    alij79 Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    i just hate it, why the hell do ppl have to do such things!! its so frustrating and really makes me angry!! Ridzuan i personally think its better u should create telegram group and just invite trusted ppl to join that group and share the system over there!
    these ppl r just mindless stupid idiots i swear!!

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